Olive Oil Acne - Can You Use Olive Oil As Acne Skin Moisturizer
Beauty Tips, Skin Care

Olive Oil Acne – Can You Use Olive Oil As Acne Skin Moisturizer?

The olive is a fruit that has been treasured throughout time. From the Grecian Olympic halls, the Roman empire, to the tomb of Egyptian kings, the worth of the olive and its oil has been spoken of for centuries. Still today, it is still used in many religious ceremonies. Olive oil acne treatments are usually not recommended for severe acne sufferers, but there are other ways you can use olive oil– as acne skin moisturizer for instance.

Olive oil is a high-quality moisturizer since it attracts exterior moisture and holds the moisture close to the skin and forms a breathable barrier to prevent loss of interior moisture.

Olive oil improves the skin consistency and tone. Olive oil is especially good because it has anti-inflammatory properties, which we know is a part of the acne process; therefore it is great for moisturizing and treating a variety of skin conditions where inflammation is concerned.

Olive oil is known for its skin renewing power that gives the skin a glowing appearance. It helps maintain the skin elasticity, hydration and smoothness. Olive oil has been used in skin care for centuries. You know why? It is because it is loaded with vitamins A, B2, B1, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E and vitamin D, which are all antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals from penetrating the skin layer which cause damage and aging of the skin. You can call olive oil a proverbial youth serum.

There has been some controversy over the use of olive oil as a cleanser instead of soap, popularly known as the “oil cleansing method” using 80% olive oil and 20% castor oil to wash the face in the mornings and evenings instead of using harsh soaps.

After reading several articles, it has been a mixed review. There were some individuals who experienced extreme breakouts and discontinued the trial, but there were others who were very pleased. This then tells me that this is going to be a trial and error situation should you decide to try it. It is a well established fact that olive oil is a moisturizer and has anti-inflammatory qualities so, it may in fact work for you.

In closing, the use of olive oil acne treatments can be a mixed bag; it all depends on your skin type, severity of breakout, and the frequency in which you use it, but we do know that you can use olive oil as acne skin moisturizer on an intermittent basis in small amounts and receive great results keeping the skin smooth and supple.